Thursday, May 04, 2006

Apache Neethi 1.0.1 Released

The Apache Neethi team is proud to announce the release of Apache Neethi version 1.0.1 You can download the source and binary distributions from the following mirrors.


Please use our backup site if the mirrors are not yet updated.


Please feel free to send any feedback to our mailing list (preferably with [Neethi] prefix).

Visit our website at: for further information.

Thank you,
Apache Neethi Team

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Apache WS Commons Policy 1.0 Released

The Apache WS Commons Policy team is proud to announce the release of Apache WS Commons Policy version 1.0. You can download the source and binary distributions from the following mirrors.


Please use our backup site if the mirrors are not yet updated.


Pleas feel free to send any feedback to our mailing list (preferably with [POLICY] prefix).

Visit our website at: for further information.

Apache WS Commons Policy Team

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Generating Auto-Configured Stubs

Its being a while since I posted my last blog. And it seems that I should blog more often. I’m glad that generated stubs now support WS Policy in Axis2. That means if you generated a stub against a WSDL which contains some policy attachments, that stub contains some code to engage the modules that can support those policy requirements and convey that information to those modules. I tested it with RM and even at operational level, it works like magic.