We are happy to announce the release of WSO2 Web Services Application Server (WSAS) 2.2, the enterprise ready Web services engine powered by Apache Axis2. WSAS is a Java runtime for hosting services & runs standalone or in conjunction with Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, BEA
WebLogic, JBossAS and any other servlet container. WSAS makes it easy to develop, deploy and manage services using a graphical management console.
WSAS is an open source product released under the Apache Software License 2.0.
The core features of WSAS include;
WebLogic, JBossAS and any other servlet container. WSAS makes it easy to develop, deploy and manage services using a graphical management console.
WSAS is an open source product released under the Apache Software License 2.0.
The core features of WSAS include;
- Axis1 backward compatibility - Expose legacy Axis 1.x Web services as Axis2 Web services & engage Axis2's WS-* protocols such as WS-Security & WSRM in front of legacy services.
- Simple approach to provide WS-SecurityPolicy based Rampart configuration with graphical tools, using a set of most common security scenarios.
- Data services support - Easily expose data stored in an enterprise data source via a Web service API
- EJB service provider support - Easily expose EJBs as Web services using a GUI Wizard
- WSAS IDE - Eclipse IDE plugin supporting code-first and contract-first development
- Clustering support - for High Availability & High Scalability
- Full support for WS-Security, WS-Trust, WS-Policy and WS-Secure Conversation and XKMS
- JMX & Web interface based monitoring and management
- WS-* & REST support
- GUIs for popular Axis2 tools such as wsdl2java[1] & java2wsdl[2]
- GUI Tool for trying out any Web service[3]
- GUI tool for converting WSDL 1.1 to 2.0 documents[4]
- GUI based services.xml[5] & module.xml[6] validator
New Features In This Release
- Improved Data Services support including New & improved UI, and database connection pooling
- WS-Security 1.1 support
- Improved clustering support
- Improved JSR-181 & JAXWS support
- JMX based monitoring
- Graceful shutdown & restart of the server
- Serve all pending requests before shutting down or restarting the server
- Improvements to the Management Console
- Various bug fixes to Apache Axis2, Apache Rampart & WSAS
You can try a live version of WSAS 2.2 (no download needed) here:
(Any services you deploy will be removed within an hour.)
For more details, see the WSAS release note.
Data Services - Bringing Enterprise Data to Web
- Service enable data locked in enterprise data sources in no time
- Zero code. Simple descriptor file describes the data to service mapping
- Controlled access to your data
- Customizable XML output
- Benefit from REST & WS-* support
- Built-in Connection pooling support
- Supports exposing Stored procedures & functions
- Built-in caching
- Throttling - to ensure your database is never overloaded
- Easy configuration via graphical console
- Test your services via Try-it tool
Useful Links
Download WSAS from here:
How to do various stuff with WSAS :
Contribute to WSAS
SVN: http://wso2.org/repos/wso2/trunk/wsas/java
JIRA: https://wso2.org/jira/browse/WSAS
User list: wsas-java-user@wso2.org
Dev list: wsas-java-dev@wso2.org
Forum: http://wso2.org/forum/184
WSO2 Inc. offers a variety of professional Training Programs, including
training on general Web services as well as WSO2 WSAS, Apache Axis2, Data Services
and a number of other products.
For additional support information please refer to
WSO2 Inc. offers a variety of development and production support
programs, ranging from Web-based support up through normal business
hours, to premium 24x7 phone support.
For additional support information please refer to http://wso2.com/support/
For more information on WSO2 WSAS, visit the WSO2 Oxygen Tank (http://wso2.org)
- wsdl2code - http://tools.wso2.org/tools_wsdl2code
- WSDL View - http://tools.wso2.org/tools_wsdlview
- Try it - http://tools.wso2.org/tools_tryit
- WSDL Converter - http://tools.wso2.org/tools_wsdlconverter
- Services Validator - http://tools.wso2.org/tools_aarvalidator
- Module Validator - http://tools.wso2.org/tools_marvalidator
Cool app server, yeah?
Great work.
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